Growing Strong: How Gardening Benefits Early Childhood Development

Louise Mercieca

The routines established during childhood frequently influence an individual’s lifestyle and behavioural tendencies in later life. Engaging in gardening activities such as growing fruits and vegetables presents a distinct opportunity to foster enduring, beneficial habits concerning nutrition, mental health, physical activity, mindfulness, and environmental consciousness in our children.   Gardening with children provides a unique […]

Ofsted’s Evolving Approach to Early Years Inspections: a closer look

Ofsted Page Image

Change can be unsettling, but it can also be the catalyst for positive transformation. In the early years sector, a shift appears to be underway as Ofsted introduces more updates to its Early Years Inspection Handbook, effective from January 19, 2024. These changes have been prompted by the tragedy surrounding Ruth Perry, do they signal […]

Key Policy Changes Early Years Providers Need To Make In 2024

Key Policy Changes Early Years Providers Need To Make In 20241

As 2023 ushered in crucial changes in early years legislation, it’s vital that, as an early years provider, you revisit your policies. The updated regulations and guidance, surrounding areas such as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Prevent Duty, require us to have a proactive approach to get things right not only from a […]

How Early Years Inspections Have Changed Since 2019

How Early Years Inspections Have Changed Since 20191

With the latest amendments coming into force in January of 2024, we’ve seen many changes to the Ofsted Early Years Inspection Handbook over the years. In this blog, we travel back to September 2019 to discover what these differences look like and what you can expect.  The Learning Walk With every Ofsted inspection comes a […]

Nurturing A Brighter Future For Your Nursery In 2024

brighter future for your nursery in 20241

The horizon of 2024 is shining bright, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year that was and make plans for the year to come. Last year we wrote a blog that outlined a simple 5-point strategy for 2023. Now we’re curious to find out how it went. Did the year go as […]

Retake: It’s Not Free And It’s Not 15 Hours

Retake Its Not Free And Its Not 15 Hours5

The annual autumn statement saw the Chancellor promising a hike in staff wages and a drop in national insurance contributions. Whilst it got a large hooray from many, it has left the early years sector to deal with growing expenses without tax relief or help to make things more affordable. Here’s my take on it […]

The Power of Observation in Early Childhood Education

The Power of Observation in Early Childhood Education4

The quest for continuous improvement is the driving force behind many industries, including early childhood education. By keeping up-to-date with new studies and ensuring best practices are followed, early years settings can deliver consistently high-quality experiences for our children. One approach to continuous improvement is the practice of peer-on-peer observations. In this blog, we cover […]

Learning To Love Maths – Everyday Maths

Learning To Love Maths Everyday Maths

For many adults, maths is a bit like Marmite. You either love it, or you hate it. And that has a lot to do with how we experienced learning maths during our childhood. The thing is, maths is important. Simple maths concepts we learn as kids forge the foundations for skills we need in adult […]

Exploring Nature’s Toolbox – Enhancing EY Play With Natural Materials

Exploring Natures Toolbox Enhancing EY Play With Natural Materials3

Young children are eager to explore and learn, and it’s the role of the Early years setting to nurture and support them. From sticks and stones to Autumn leaves and everything in between, what better way to captivate and inspire little minds than with nature’s toolbox! Integrating natural materials into the days of children sparks […]

CPD – Empowering Early Years Educators

CPD Empowering Early Years Educators3

CPD is a key part of the Early Years sector. It ensures your children and their families receive the best possible care and keeps your business current and well-regarded. Here we discuss what it is, why it’s important and how you can foster a positive CPD-focussed culture in your early years setting. What Is CPD? […]

How To Conduct Super Supervisions

How To Conduct Super Supervisions5

Supervisions are a mandatory part of the EYFS, but they function as a support mechanism, too. The practitioners working in your setting are your most valuable resource. Effective supervision supports your staff team to deliver high-quality care and helps to create a positive working environment. In this blog, we review how you can embrace supervisions […]

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