Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
A robust Probation Process ensures you meet all your legal requirements and can support ensuring each staff member is working to their very best ability. Here we have a complete process, procedure and necessary paperwork. Scroll down to see the full list of documents available.
A complete Probation Process complete with tracking documents, paperwork, letters and process flowchart.
The documents included in this section are:
SDPR3.7 | Probationary Process Flow Chart |
SDPR3.7a | Probationary Period Procedure |
SDPR3.7b | Probationary Review Form |
SDPR3.7c | Improvement Action Plan |
SDPR3.7d | Probationary Period Confirmation Letter |
SDPR3.7e | Probationary Period Dismissal Letter |
SDPR3.7f | Probationary Period Extension Letter |
SDPR3.7g | Notification of Probationary Capability Meeting |
SDPR3.7h | Outcome of Probationary Capability Meeting |
SDPR3.7i | Probationary Appeal Notice Letter |
SDPR3.7j | Probationary Appeal Outcome Letter |
Millennium House, High Street,
Studley, Warwickshire, B80 7HJ.