SG11 Coronavirus


Covid-19 is still here with us and so we have created a range of documents that may prove useful whilst managing this.

Whist the pandemic is essentially over we have retained some useful documents that may have some use in  the future, including a Fees Policy that can be advised to parents.

The documents in this section are:

Fact Sheet Covid-19
Coronavirus – Staff Policy & Procedure
Poster HS1 A4
Poster KTC1 A4
Poster KTC2 A4
Poster Social Distancing  A3
Poster WYH A4
Door Poster
Coronavirus Record Sheet
Coronavirus Cleaning Checklist
Coronavirus Site Hygiene Procedure
Coronavirus Handover Sheet
Return to Nursery Covid-19 Policy
Temperature Recording Log
Covid-19 Fees Policy


Price. £30.00

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