Bespoke Courses

Stepping Up to Management 1

Bespoke Stepping up to Management


This Stepping up to Management course is aimed at practitioners who are looking to or have recently moved up to Room Leader or beyond.
Private Supervision in Progress8 e1610885723319

Bespoke Supervision Skills in the Early Years


This Safeguarding Supervision Skills in the Early Years course is aimed at nurseries, pre-school owners, school leaders and managers to support the challenges they will experience nowadays when undertaking leadership and management roles within our early years and education environments.
Fun With Language

Bespoke Supporting Children with SEND in an Early Years Setting (2 Sessions)


An in-depth, comprehensive, practical and interactive course designed to teach practitioners about the broad areas of need as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice.
Supporting Childrens Communication Language in the EYFS

Bespoke Supporting Communication & Language Development in the EYFS


Ofsted Inspections focus on how well our language development is weaved into our curriculum. This course will help you enhance your practice and look at ways in which you can provide greater life chances for children.
Fun With Language

Bespoke Supporting SEND Children: Empowering Practitioners to Deliver Inclusive Education


Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) deserve the very best from the practitioners who care for and educate them. This course is designed to ensure that all Early Years practitioners have the knowledge, confidence, and practical skills to nurture and support children with SEND in their settings.
Domestic Abuse 1

Bespoke Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Abuse – Professional Curiosity Saves Lives For Early Years & Schools


Bespoke Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Abuse – Professional Curiosity Saves Lives For Early Years
Well being for Early Years

Bespoke Wellbeing for Early Years


This Wellbeing for Early Years course is aimed at everyone working within a setting to support their well-being at work, in line with the new Ofsted  Education Inspection Framework.
working with babies

Bespoke Working with Babies


This course is aimed at giving practitioners the essential knowledge to work with and care for babies. The statutory framework requires that “at least half of all staff must have received training that specifically addresses the care of babies”.

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