Bespoke Courses

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Bespoke Exploring STEM in the Early Years


This Exploring STEM in the Early Years course is designed to bring Science and Maths into Early Years settings. This early years STEM training course is designed to support practitioners in a number of ways.
DSL Refresher EY 56867

Bespoke EY Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher Training (DSL Refresher Training)


This shorter Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher Training for staff who have previously attended DSL training.  Proof of relevant and recent previous training will be required to attend the course
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Bespoke First Aid at Work Training


Our course delivered directly to your organisation. 12 delegates over 3 days. We can also deliver this course face to face. There will be an additional cost to venues over 35 miles away from B80 7HJ.
Food Hygiene 55715

Bespoke Food Hygiene Awareness


Our essential Food Hygiene Awareness / Food Hygiene training course will benefit anyone working in a setting where food is prepared, cooked and served to children. For further details see the full description below. To get the best out of the course, we recommend up to 24 Delegates, numbers above this can be facilitated although there will need to be an additional charge.
Maths Image

Bespoke Fun with Numbers – Maths in Early Years


This Fun with Numbers in Early Years course is designed to bring Early Years Maths into Early Years settings. This maths training for early years course is designed to support practitioners in a number of ways.
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Bespoke Funding & Finance Support Programme


Our support programme will provide you with useful tools and knowledge in order to start building the profitability you need to build and grow your business.
Effective EYFS Curriculum 2021

Bespoke How Effective is your EFYS 2021 Curriculum?


This How Effective is your EYFS 2021 Curriculum course is aimed at practitioners, leaders and managers to support them in meeting the requirements of the new Early Years Foundation Stage 2021. Looking at the 7 areas of learning and the new ELG's along with a discussion on how to build your own curriculum. To get the best out of the course, we recommend up to 30 Delegates, numbers above this can be facilitated although there will need to be an additional charge. We can also deliver this course face to face. There will be an additional cost to venues over 35 miles away from B80 7HJ.
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Bespoke Let Them Loose with Natural Materials


Training in Loose Parts is a practical course full of fun, designed to enthuse practitioners to deliver inspirational activities using loose parts. Providing a rich, engaging and interactive environment remains key to supporting better outcomes for children

Bespoke Managing Anaphylaxis, Asthma and Choking


This short course acts as a useful mid-point refresher to managing anaphylaxis and other emergency procedures learned during the regular 3 yearly Paediatric First Aid. We can also deliver this course face to face. There will be an additional cost to venues over 35 miles away from B80 7HJ.
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Bespoke Ofsted Ready: Leadership and Management


This Ofsted Preparation: Leadership and Management course is aimed at leaders and managers to ensure they understand what is expected from them under the EYFS & Ofsted Inspection framework.
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Bespoke Ofsted Ready: Out of School Clubs


Our Ofsted Ready: Out of School Club will prepare your team for meeting the requirements of the EYFS and the needs of the Education Inspection Framework 2019. To get the best out of the course, we recommend up to 30 Delegates, numbers above this can be facilitated although there will need to be an additional charge. We can also deliver this course face to face. There will be an additional cost to venues over 35 miles away from B80 7HJ.
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Bespoke Playwork Training & Ofsted Preparation for Out of School Clubs


This Playwork Training & Ofsted Preparation for Out of School Clubs Course is designed for all practitioners working or leading practice in an Out of School Club provision. This will include stand-alone clubs or ones within a nursery childcare setting.
Ofsted EIF Inspection 56366

Bespoke Preparing for your Education Inspection Framework (EIF)


This course supports you in preparing your team for the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework and will help build their knowledge and confidence when inspection time arrives. Looking at everything from the Learning Walk to your Leadership & Management, this course will provide a through grounding on the inspection process. To get the best out of the course, we recommend up to 30 Delegates, numbers above this can be facilitated although there will need to be an additional charge. We can also deliver this course face to face. There will be an additional cost to venues over 35 miles away from B80 7HJ.
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Bespoke Risk Assessment for Early Years


Risk Assessment is an essential part of looking after children. Whilst policies are no longer required under the EYFS the burden of Risk Assessment is high on Ofsted’s agenda and practitioners need to be aware of Early Years health and safety and their responsibilities in relation to risk and risk assessing in early years.
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Bespoke Safeguarding in Early Years Refresher- Safeguarding in Practice


This Basic Safeguarding / Early Years safeguarding training course is aimed at all Early Years practitioners who are looking understand the wider arena of Safeguarding in Early Years. Basic safeguarding in early years is an integral part of every Early Year Practitioner job role and it is essential to keep updated and informed of the process and actions we go through every day in order to provide a safe environment for the children in our care. Having up-to-date knowledge, including Prevent Duty, will enable Practitioners to be confident in the process of providing a safe environment for everyone in the setting. To get the best out of the course, we recommend up to 30 Delegates, numbers above this can be facilitated although there will need to be an additional charge. We can also deliver this course face to face. There will be an additional cost to venues over 35 miles away from B80 7HJ.
Safer Recruitment in Education

Bespoke Safer Recruitment in Education Training


Having a safe recruitment process is vital to keeping children safe. This Safer Recruitment Training is delivered to meet requirements of the legislation.

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