Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm

Sow the seeds…Grow the dream.

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It had always been my dream to one day have a nursery… My Dream My dream became reality when back in 1999 we started our first nursery. We quickly expanded into 2 and within 3 years we became 3 and now we are 9. If only we knew then what we know now! As we […]

Ofsted EIF Inspections are BACK!  300x300 1

From 4th May – see the main announcement and links below. Having undertaken a recent pilot Ofsted EIF Inspection, in order that they can measure how they can inspect in a Covid-19 safe manner, this does not surprise me. It was our first experience of an EIF Inspection – and overall it was a very […]

Are there benefits to Continuing Professional Development?

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We’re often asked if we can pinpoint the benefits of CPD so we have put together some of our thoughts on the key principles and benefits of CPD… Individuals and settings should be committed to improve and learn CPD or continuous professional development is both an individual responsibility and a responsibility of the employer. Every […]

Is running your early years business stressful?

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We’ve now had a glimpse at what Inspection will look like under the new EIF (Education Inspection Framework) and for many this will be the cause of just a little more stress as we have to get our heads around a whole new formula for achieving success at inspection time – whether that be a […]

Self-evaluation – Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water

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As you will know the Ofsted SEF is no longer available to submit online and we have spent much time here at MBK debating this and the consequences for small settings and groups. Whilst self-evaluation is very much required as part of the legislation this has never had to be written down and this is […]

Why don’t schools use early years settings’ transition documents?

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We have been working with schools a lot recently (mostly because of this product) and the question I wanted to get an answer to above all else was: “Nurseries spend a lot of time on each child’s learning journey and report, yet they feel like the reception teacher doesn’t always read them, why is this?” We asked […]