Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm

What is E-Safety In Early Years And Why Does It Matter?

What is E Safety In Early Years And Why Does It Matter?6

These days, children are becoming familiar with and have access to the online world from a very early age. A recent study by Ofcom, the communications regulator in the UK, tells us that 97% of children aged between 3-17 went online in 2022. What’s more, is that the figure is only slightly lower for 3-4-year-olds […]

How To Succeed As An Early Years Manager Or Leader

How To Succeed As An Early Years Manager Or Leader4

What do you need to succeed in an Early years managerial role? And what sets a leadership role in a nursery apart from similar positions in other sectors? Here, we delve into the topic. It’s Up To You The role of an Early years manager in a nursery is unique because you are responsible for […]

What Is Prevent Duty And Why Is It Important?

What Is Prevent Duty And Why Is It Important?4

If you work in the world of Early Years, you may have heard of Prevent Duty.  In this blog, we explore what the term refers to, why it’s important and how to make sure your early years setting remains compliant.  What Is Prevent Duty? The term Prevent Duty refers to the duty individuals in authority […]

Getting Outdoors: Whatever The Weather

Getting Outdoors Whatever The Weather4

Cloudy with rain one moment, dazzling sunshine the next… There’s nothing quite like the British weather, is there? Being outside is one of the most enriching activities for children, so incorporating time outside  into each day is a must. The Early Years Foundation Stage framework, or the EYFS as we’ll refer to it, requires you […]

Boom or Bust: The Critical Numbers In Your Childcare Business

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If you own a childcare business and don’t know your numbers, you’re doing yourself an injustice.  Your numbers are the key indicators that show how your nursery is doing, and whether you’re on track for a sustainable and successful future. It’s no good waiting for a yearly update from your accountant. By then it might […]

Why Your EYFS Curriculum Matters Most…

EYFS  Curriculum Matters

Do you provide childcare to children from birth to age 5? Yes? In that case, as you probably already know, you need to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) learning requirements . In fact, it’s been mandatory since 2008. The EYFS is not a curriculum alone , though. It goes beyond the standards of […]

Working With Babies – Is Your Nursery Hitting The Framework Requirements?

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Children develop incredibly quickly in the first two years of their lives. And that means that EYFS professionals working with babies (children under two years old) have a duty to ensure those little people thrive as they should. Though a vast percentage may not yet be able to talk to communicate their needs, responding to […]

New Year’s Resolutions Vs Habits

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Whether you work in a nursery or run one, you’ll be an expert in planning. The children you look after day in, day out, require you to pay close attention to what they get up to. By observing their development, you can create potential goals for them to work towards. So why is it that […]

How and Why To Gift Yourself Self-Care This Christmas

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As a nursery worker, you’re constantly giving care to the little people in your setting. As a nursery manager or owner, you have plenty of staff to look after too. Working in the Early Years sector can be emotionally and physically challenging, especially if you don’t take time to prioritise your own needs. So what’s […]

The Importance Of Outdoor Play All Year Round

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You’ll be forgiven for thinking the outdoors is a no-go for your nursery setting once the cold winter months arrive. The wind blows at gale force, temperatures drop to minus figures, and the rain can pour down all day. But are you and the children in your care missing out on the tremendous benefits and […]

Did You Get A Bad Ofsted Rating? Here’s What To Do Next

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Has your nursery undergone a recent Ofsted inspection and the report delivered the fatal blow of, ‘Requires Improvement’ or worse, ‘Inadequate’? Are you fearful about what happens next? What does this mean for your nursery, your families, your staff and yourself?  With decades of first-hand experience at MBK, we’re here to give you a guiding […]